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    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    EA Sports FIFA The Daily Squad Thread (AM Edition) -- December 29, 2019

    EA Sports FIFA The Daily Squad Thread (AM Edition) -- December 29, 2019

    The Daily Squad Thread (AM Edition) -- December 29, 2019

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:07 PM PST

    This thread is for all posts related to squads, including...

    • FUT squad building

    • FUT Draft squads

    • Squad Building Challenge squads

    Do you need a squad built?

    Fill in the sample below and let others find or create a team that fits your purpose. Other questions for your squad building needs are also welcome.

    • Formation

    • Hybrid (Yes/No)

    • League/Nationality

    • Players you want in it (Optional)

    • Budget

    • Console

    FUTHEAD, FUTWIZ or FUTBIN links are strongly encouraged...

    Note: All Squad Threads, including Build Requests, Squad Reviews, and Requests For Critique outside of this thread will be removed without warning. If you are a squad builder interested in creating a feature ^ thread for a certain tournament, a specific formation, style of play, etc. -- message the moderators before posting.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    /r/FIFA: The IF Watch Thread (Saturday Edition)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:07 AM PST

    The TOTW highlights the best performances of the past week from international and club competition around the world.

    Who do you think is going to get a black card and join the Team of the Week?

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Just found this picture on my old phone, toty Ibra from fifa 14. Still my best pack ever. FYI this picture was taken on the 19th of January 2014 on my HTC One X... it feels weird saying that lmao

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Saw the detail on the captain’s armband of the Fiorentina away kit. Never forget��

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:40 AM PST


    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:01 PM PST

    Still so proud of this free kick

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:33 PM PST

    Wtf is this matchmaking..

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:58 PM PST

    I still don't get how Icon Swaps is a promo for "casuals"

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:52 PM PST

    I really don't get it, I see people say "it's good for casuals" but what casual has:

    9 Bundesliga/La Liga players, I play every week and didn't have 9 barely usable players for Bundesliga. Casuals play less so probably pack less plus they're facing better opposition so they need better players

    Time to play at least 18 SB games and at least 12 online games, a month for this would've been fine but 2 weeks, wow that's just too many games imo

    Being good enough to play Legendary, legendary isn't easy for casuals imo let alone having to use rubbish teams like Saudi teams and MLS teams where the players just aren't good.

    I just don't see how Icon Swaps is a causal promo, imo it's a promo that's tried to be casual while keeping hardcore players interested and just sucks for anyone doing them.

    Edit: After hearing comments I do agree that with tokens and stuff it's a lot easier, like Van Der Sar for 6 tokens is incredible. I think it's more the objectives I have an issue with, I just think they're too hard/boring. I would love it to be icon related like win a rivals game with a Milan, Barca and PSG player for Ronaldinho or score goals with a Ghanian in 4 seperate SB wins. I just think they've made it boring rather than a bit of fun.

    submitted by /u/SmithyPlayz
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    My best penalty so far

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:57 AM PST

    EA just hit rock bottom.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:07 PM PST

    Re-released SBCs. It isnt even January. Untradable packs from SBCs. They are only going for the cash.

    FUTMAS - the most useless promo.

    Pack weight is pure shit.

    The whole game is a FP sink.

    Servers are shit. 3 weeks in a row.

    This is a joke.

    submitted by /u/NuclearDisaster5
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    First pro player i played against, huge respect to him for being the first opponent on wl who skipped all the replays.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:30 AM PST

    Hanging up the FIFA boots.... My last (and lengthy) FIFA rant

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:15 PM PST

    Well, I've finally reached my breaking point for FIFA and it's honestly sad that I'm no longer going to play a game that I have love for years. I was a FUT founder on XBOX until I switched to PC a couple years ago (for reference) and I enjoyed playing all of them. Grinding FUT, occasionally career mode and Pro Clubs with my friends was actually enjoyable. FUT 18 was pretty stressful and my least favorite because I couldn't thoroughly enjoy grinding that game. I hated it so much, I didn't even bother with FUT 19 and took a year off. A year later, this is where I made a mistake....playing FUT 20.

    I always say I won't spend money on packs, and this year I've shamefully spent a record high by miles, so much that I refuse to look up the amount I've spent. Yes, that was a huge mistake by me, but when you're struggling and they put out those rare player packs where if you buy the max FIFA point you can open them all, they get to me.

    Besides the money aspect, I just can't stand the game play. I playing some rivals during the week to stay "sharp" but I mainly focus on weekend league, the most cancerous game mode known to man. Majority of the people I face, barely even play the game. They have the ball on my half, CM pass to CM, pass back to other CM, pass back again. Oh I'm close to him and might take it? He turns around going towards his goal because there isn't a passing option where it will for sure make it. I've even played against people who just stand with the ball and wait for me to drag a player out of position so he can pass it and try to exploit that space. Like how is that even fun...? People time waste the minute they go up and do whatever cheesy strategy it takes to win. This community is actually super toxic.

    Last thing, this game play is just so damn awful and inconsistent...like literally, it's actually laughable how bad it is. Here a list of all the things wrong with it.

    1. Servers are awful - I don't think I need to elaborate on this one.
    2. Button delays
    3. Refs - Honestly, idk what the hell is a foul and what isn't in this game. It's a 50/50 RNG when there's a collision. Also they never call fouls on the collisions on 1-2's when a player just runs into the guy trying to run in behind
    4. Goalies - They don't save anything or they save everything. Idk how they work either. They dodge shots that are right at them, can't catch a ball for the life of them, and some keepers, if they do make a save, always parry it right into another player that's running into the box for a tap in. The keeper meta also switches when there haven't been any updates or patches. Ter Stegen was amazing 2 weekends ago, last weekend he couldn't make a save, and now he's decent? Explain that one
    5. Scripting - This is the biggest one. So many weekend league games I will be up 2-0 absolutely dominating my opponent, and then one minute, I can't make a tackle, or a pass, or switch to the right person. Nothing will go my way. I can be in the passing lane and the ball will be passing right in front of my player and he just wont take it even though I'm trying to move him that way. I can switch to my center back to try and press an attacker who's running in with the ball, and it's like he's in quicksand and can't move towards the ball. I can literally tell when I know the sliders are going against me and the scripting has kicked in. I could be up by 2 goals, and once I can feel it I tell my friend, "Dude this is going against me, there's no way I win this game. He's going to score 2 in the last 15 minutes". The guy will score off some EAids and then I'm trying my hardest to fight it. I'm usually good until the 90' and then concede because then the scripting and sliders is at an all time high. It's unbareable that I can predict and feel when the game is going against me....
    6. Player Switching - The triangle is above my CM?

      1. (LB) > *switches to CB* (LB) *switches to other CB* (LB) *switches to other CM*. It just doesn't make sense. Why did they add the indicator if it will never go there....

    I apologize for the book of a rant but I just had to let it out. It's been a good run but I think I'm officially done with FIFA because it's just not fun anymore. People ruin the game with their cheap gameplay and no one plays for enjoyment. I'll save a lot of time, money, and stress without this POS game. It's just gotten way too stressful. Also, I don't really want to proofread this, I just want to be done. So it will be far from perfect but they were my initial thoughts. Let me know what you guys think. Obviously we won't all agree on everything but I hope we can all be respectful and talk about it in the comments and not argue and bitch.

    For those who don't play or do anything toxic in this subreddit, it's been real. Thank you and good luck!

    submitted by /u/Nightman2417
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    The fact that they're rereleasing content already is shocking and lazy

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:06 AM PST

    We're around 14 weeks into the game and they're already rereleasing content. It's well and truly unacceptable. They still haven't:

    • Released all the league SBCs
    • Given us more than two milestones players
    • Even told us how these will be upgraded

    They also haven't:

    • Made more basic and advanced SBCs
    • Created any other milestones objectives

    It's just lazy.

    I'm not against rereleasing content - but only alongside new content and/or a lot later in the game's lifecycle.

    EDIT: As a few people have pointed out a lot of people get this game for Christmas and would like a shot at doing these players. I personally got it after Promes, Milner, Mascherano and Piszczek so I understand that. However, the fact that they are not releasing NEW content alongside it is insanely lazy.

    submitted by /u/jamiecreek26
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    84 Rated Upgraded OTW Promes SBC requirements

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:02 AM PST

    Fifa is reuniting families now

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    Why the hell Brozović has a giraffe neck

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    EA are missing out on a great business opportunity!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:39 AM PST

    They really need to start printing the TIFOS as real posters and offer them for sale....

    My WL opponents love staring at them in-game for hours, they rarely skip looking at them.

    Come on EA do yourself a favor and print some Creampuffs and Vikings so that Fifa players can stare at their TIFOS in real life ( in exchange for some pride and accomplishment of course $$$)

    submitted by /u/Kasab22
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    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:03 PM PST

    Try to use French attackers with your Bundesliga and La Liga teams, people will quit as soon as you go one goal up.

    submitted by /u/TheGhostChannel
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    6 Games 5 Goals, please let this happen!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:21 AM PST

    Untradeable Packs in SBC's?!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Why are the futmas challenge sbc's and flashback Piszczek untradeable packs??

    submitted by /u/Hugo_Toasty
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    The wait for the League SBC refresh pick starts now

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:39 AM PST

    My friend is a casual FUT player and I feel sorry for him...

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:28 AM PST

    ...so today he asked me he needed 50k and he was 20k short, I said I could just buy some players from him so that he had what he wanted, cos I have a lot of coins (relative to him). He then told me it was all about a 50k pack he wanted to open. I briefly tried to persuade him not to, I told him it's not worth, but in the end it's up to him. He was positive he want this pack so I decided I won't ruin his excitement and we proceeded with the deal. I bet he was saving for like one month for this and it's worth half of his squad. So I told him to tell me what he packed.

    He fucking packed 83 Schmeichel, 82 Starkosha and 82 Navas.

    I felt the sadness in his messages as he sent me the screenshot. I'm sad and it's not even my pack.

    submitted by /u/Ienal
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    Marc Andre Ter Stegen everybody

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:06 AM PST

    Easily still the rarest card I’ve seen all year. I’ll never get rid of him!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:26 PM PST

    Get rid of dragbacks ffs

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:39 PM PST

    The absolute worst "skill" move in the game. The fact you're able to go from full sprint to 180 degree turn without slowing is a joke. Then to top it off your defender takes 3 more steps after you've switched direction.

    Dragbacks. IT'S TIME TO GOOOO!

    submitted by /u/SHABBADOO5
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    In russian version, it says that you have to win 6 times against world class CPU instead of legendary ����‍♂️����‍♂️

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:46 PM PST

    I want Icons of course, but I rather watch the plants on my living room grow than playing another Squad Battles game.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:57 PM PST

    I don't enjoy playing offline games, why they do that? Why do I have to play dozens of meaningless offline games to get a high rated Icon? You only can get mid Icons with 10-15 Icon Swaps...

    submitted by /u/Merluzoooooor
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