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    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    EA Sports FIFA The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- October 13, 2020

    EA Sports FIFA The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- October 13, 2020

    The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- October 13, 2020

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    This thread is the place to go for the posts that crop up in /new that don't necessarily need a full thread for discussion, which include but are not limited to:

    • Subjective questions (such as "Who is better, Player X or Player Y?" or "Which Chemstyle is best on PM R9?")

    • Investment / Trading / Market posts

    • Sharing Squads / Asking for Suggestions

    • Other general gameplay discussion

    • Meta posts & Quick Questions

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Imagine you went to a football game and your view was blocked by a massive cake

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    In a game: "Oh I need to change my kit numbers"

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    28 games later: "KIT NUMBERS"

    submitted by /u/AKillerTurtle
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    5 reasons why you should use Hazard for upcoming Weekend League

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    1. His agility is unmatched. Smooth as butter

    2. His finishing is superior and unreal. Try his finesse and you'll see how good it is

    3. Easy to link: la Liga, Belgium. Pair with Mertens and you have a deadly duo.

    4. Quite cheap for a world class card (around 130k on PS4)

    5. I have 10 on my transfer list waiting to make profit.

    submitted by /u/stocker94
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    Best CM in the game right now

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion: I miss the fitness cards in FIFA 21

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Nah, fuck that! Being able to play another match right after one ends is something I haven't got over yet. Every time I start a game I'm literally thinking, "Yes, no fitness." ADVANCE

    I know it's the ABSOLUTE LEAST EA could do and it required little to no effort, but I'm enjoying FUT more because of it.

    submitted by /u/gabdex
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    Made a new poster for the sub. What do you think?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    FUT should implement a 'GG' option w. Small coin reward (50) after rivals games.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    So I've seen this on Gwent, where if you enjoyed your game with the opponent, you can give them a 'GG' (good game) that also gives them a small amount of in game resource.

    Would be a nice touch, and could also mean a small boost in coins in a game where you/they are getting beat (but decide to play rather than forfeit).

    submitted by /u/yousaidso2228
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    So I scored a goal with Depay, or so I thought

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Flashback Witsel SBC requirements

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    A Plea to the people relegating

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    EA have fucked up the rewards so massively that there is no point for the players in D1/D2 to stay in those divisions because of what the rewards are in the lower divisions.

    I refuse to blame the people who are relegating themselves because they want the best packs to have the chance to build their teams. This is on EA.

    With that being said, and the fact that EA changed rivals to have a cap of 30 games this year, I just have one thing to ask if you are a person relegating themselves. PLEASE PLEASE score an own goal first. At least give the person you match the win so they can get ranking points otherwise it's a complete waste of a game for them.

    I'm sure most people don't give a shit about where others rank, but I think it's kind of shit to waste someone's ranking game by just quitting immediately at 0-0 when it takes less than a minute to concede or score an OG.

    That is all. Thank you for attending my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/JetSpyda
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    This has to be one of the most acceptable Fifa's in years

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    Yes it has it flaws but this sub isn't anywhere near as full of complaints as it normally is after a new release. Only played about 20 games so far and I'm actually enjoying it, you can score lots of different ways compared to previous years. Fingers crossed the first patch doesn't ruin it!

    Edit: some people are missing the point of this post. I'm not saying the game is great/flawless, I'm saying there isn't anywhere near as much negativity as there normally is at release.

    submitted by /u/ramarlon89
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    be careful when naming you fut club

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I just want to select James

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Coin Boost should be added in packs

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Seriously Coin Boost is probably one of the most useful little things in FIFA I enjoy the most. Getting 1-1.5K per match for 5-10 matches is just great. Players should be able to make quick coin by playing a game.

    There are so many useless pack fillers. At least make it available in packs. Obviously the drop rate doesn't have to be common but it would be nice to pack Coin Boost from time to time.

    submitted by /u/evilthing
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    Is it just me or does everyone get a yellow card on most fouls but never red cards. No matter the situation

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Like I could be through and go and then boom taken out from behind for it only to be a yellow

    It's kinda broken I've played a lot of people who abuse this tactic

    submitted by /u/SKAI-Gaming
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    One of my absolute favourite finishes in this game!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Lack of EA support to PC playerbase

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    PC playerbase has never been larger than it is in FIFA 21 due to people switching, game going on Steam and people waiting for new console upgrades... All this lead to more people realising issues we've been fighting with past years and there seems to be sheer ignorance by EA on forums and thru their support system to any of our problems.

    Biggest problem we have at the moment is cheaters in FUT Draft who just disconnect you completely from the game and put you back in lobby and that game counts as a 0-0 loss so you have to claim rewards after.

    Rivals games are limited to 30 a week and coin farmers are doing the same FUT Draft glitch in Rivals which leads to you getting a draw and 300 points .

    Price ranges to sought after players haven't been updated days after they did for consoles.

    Squad battles leaderboards top 200 is filled with cheaters and difference between Elite on consoles and PC is around 30k points...

    Ignorance on forums has been infuriating since there has been over 150 people supporting largest thread about Draft bug and EA_Darko has suggested its a connection problem which it just clearly isnt and flagged it as SOLVED, and also he keeps giving out warnings in PMs to people that make new threads/post on said thread.

    This needs visibility and more people should know and EA need to acknowledge this problem, not sure if writing to Steam support would do anything since technically they are just middleman in this scenario.

    https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/FUT-Draft-glitch/m-p/9593637#M3444 thread in question that was flagged as SOLVED

    here is the PM you get if you bump/post on FUT draft problem on EA forums

    submitted by /u/TinkoRS
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    Dear EA: Please address the self-relegating problem, it's going to ruin an otherwise good game this year.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I'm not bashing on people relegating, but when it makes sense to play easier matches for possibly better rewards we have a huge problem.

    Self-relegation affects all of us, people in lower divisions are going to have 0 fun getting beat by people much better than them. High divisions will become more harder and will have insane matchmaking wait times, (it already happened on xbox at least last year). Nevermind that rivals is much harder than the WL, it's way less rewarding (from d2/1 onwards).

    I don't mind playing tough competition, but why push my limits when it doesn't make any sense to put in the effort?

    Make it rewarding, don't put any objectives on this modes, consider removing the match cap. Wether you enjoy the game or not, self relegation will ruin the game.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/pwomboli
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    The definition of Fifa21 pack filler. Has anyone EVER applied this?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I want to see this absolute animal as a flashback SBC next a throwback to his fifa 15 TOTS card

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Everybody in this community loves to complain, but let's face it: Fifa 21 is miles better and way more entertaining than 20 for several reasons but the main one is that you can score in multiple different ways.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    I'm the only one having a blast? I'm in D3 Rivals and every game feels like a new adventure just because your opponent can score shooting to the far post, to the near post, inside the area, outside the area, he can score headers sent with a lob cross L1 or with a screaming R1 cross from far away, he can score volleys or headers from corners, etc, etc. And of course you can score the same way. All this variation makes the game way more unpredictable and exciting. In Fifa 20 95% of the goals I scored were shooting to the near post playing through the middle, that was almost the only way. So the game is far from perfect but please give me that: is way more fun to play.

    submitted by /u/Merluzoooooor
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    [FIFA 20] Sold him to Leipzig for 135mil, he signed a one year contract and I’ve signed him back on a pre-contact in January.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Anyone else enjoying that fifa considerably more than the last?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    This may sound comical considering the circle jerk that it's the same game every year but I feel that this one is on the whole a little more solid and it's the perfect "arcady" football game I've been craving, I enjoy there are a lot of goals, I enjoy that with a strong enough mental you can come back from a high goal deficit which to me just makes the games more exciting for both parties.

    submitted by /u/J0esw
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    I hate skills, it's boring

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Firstly this is just a bit of a rant. I managed to do well in my placement matches and got placed in Div 3, which is way above my pay grade, and I'm getting schooled more often than not - but it is something I have hated for a while... I know the game is designed this way, and for a rea$on, but (again) I just hate it. Surely I'm not the only one...

    The amount of skills being used effectively in FUT is just too damn high.

    I'm all for a stepover to get away from a man, or a drag to the side, a roulette, cut inside, hell even a rainbow flick or flip-flap is fine, but my point is that you shouldn't be able to chain these things endlessly together so that it looks like Neymar is performing Swan Lake around my penalty spot waiting for me to either bring him down or all my defenders to get drawn in so he squares it to Rodrigo (I hate him too) to blast home unopposed.

    I get that being able to do this is a skill, this is how the game is played, and I know I should learn how to do it if I want to get better at this game... but I just hate it. It's boring.

    I want to just build a cool team and play something that resembles football and actually think "well played" when someone absolutely rinses me in a moment of sheer quality. For me the amazement in these skills is in the scarcity and subtlety of it - when it happens in real life, out of the blue, it gets you on your feet.

    It reminds me of when one of my friends used to hit a huge combo with King in Tekken 2 (showing my ages, maybe I just can't keep up with the damn kids), and you had no comeback other than to say "well played, dickhead" and then try to beat him in the next game. At the moment FUT is equivalent to your dumb mate button bashing Yoshimitsu and his fucking Katanas, and taking you out with endless flailing of limbs and steel. It looks fancy, but is severely underwhelming when it happens for the 4th time this game.

    I miss the moments of creativity I used to have playing these games (and the ISS Pro/Pro Evo series) where you scored a goal you really shouldn't have because you dared to try something audacious, albeit plausible. Things have definitely moved more towards the arcadey, instant gratification style culture that is so prevalent nowadays.

    Get off my lawn

    edit: and for those who will say "well, don't play it then!". You are right. But I want to!

    submitted by /u/SimpleWarthog
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    EA please fix: OTW players DON'T count as rares in your squad

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    Small issue but quite annoying. OTW players do NOT count as rares in your squad. Played so many matches with OTW Telles on the bench for the 200 rare battles obj and none counted as otw players don't count as a rare for some reason

    submitted by /u/ScumbagSyK
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