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    Monday, January 11, 2021

    EA Sports FIFA The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- January 11, 2021

    EA Sports FIFA The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- January 11, 2021

    The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- January 11, 2021

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 04:00 AM PST

    This thread is the place to go for the posts that crop up in /new that don't necessarily need a full thread for discussion, which include but are not limited to:

    • Subjective questions (such as "Who is better, Player X or Player Y?" or "Which Chemstyle is best on PM R9?")
    • Investment / Trading / Market posts
    • Sharing Squads / Asking for Suggestions
    • Other general gameplay discussion
    • Meta posts & Quick Questions
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Title Update #8 soon available on PC

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 04:24 PM PST

    TOTY nominees after Liverpool wins CL and after Bayern wins CL

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:43 AM PST

    WL recap - Crystal Palace past and present

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:21 AM PST

    80+ Player Picks profit estimation

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:40 AM PST

    Ighalo has changed his opinion on EA

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:45 AM PST

    I'm concerned, we've still not had an undeserved, no performance based David Luiz special card yet.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:53 AM PST

    Do you think we can expect him soon?

    submitted by /u/DynamyttKidd
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    Upgraded Kleiber and Malen stats

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST

    Kemar Roofe (Rangers) has his own UEL RTTF card in his home, I guess he likes FIFA

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:20 PM PST

    83 Dembele has a new image

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:53 AM PST

    Klaiber upgrade

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:49 PM PST

    My 30-0 (3rd in the world on PS4 this wknd) Tactics guide and some general gameplay tips!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:18 AM PST

    Let me start with a short backstory.

    I started playing FIFA after a long break on FIFA 17 and managed to hit top200 on Fifa18 once in a lifetime style. I started writing tactics guides on 18-19 here as they were popular. On Fifa20 I hit elite 1 I think 4 Times and started competing on some tournaments as well. On this Fifa I made it into Finnish eLeague and have Been playing well on tournaments as well. After finishing 7 Times in elite 1 on fifa21 I finally did it. Managed to go 30-0 for the first time ever yesterday.

    I basically run a 2 formation setup. This weekend I mainly used My 4231 one as my attack was on point. But changed to 442 on some occasions as well. And have Been mainly using 442 for this fifa. Basically 4231 is More defensive one with patient buildup and 442 I use when I wanna attack fast.

    My team: https://www.futhead.com/21/squads/146955/

    First about my 4231 setup:

    4231: Defensive style Balanced: Defensive depth 5, defensive width 4. Attacking style Balanced, width 6, Players in box 6, Corners 1, Free kicks 2

    (I like 4 width defensively on every formation this year). I use offside trap a bit when line falls too far back. 5 depth is what I used now but Been also using up to 7. So down to preference. Attacking is basic except corners. I like 1 on corners because game sets the attackers more towards Backpost and far away from goalie.

    Player instructions: Fullbacks stay back, conservative interceptions, Cdms Stay Back, cover center, Widecams get into box for crosses, middle cam default, ST Target Man

    Generally with this formation you need to be more calm with your buildup. Use the width and then bring the ball to cdms and Cam. I generally would say 4231 demands more attacking wise and maybe demands a bit better team to actually create enough chances. So If you find attacking difficult maybe this is not the one for you.

    Then 442 setup (My most used formation this fifa) :

    Defensive style Balanced, width 4, Depth 6. Attacking style Balanced, width 7, Players in box 5. Corners 1, Free kicks 2.

    Instructions: Fullbacks stay back, conservative interceptions. CMS Stay Back, cover center, stay on edge of box for crosses, Widemids get in behind, get into box for crosses, come Back on defence, Both strikers Target Man.

    I think instructions wise you can do what you like except with strikers. Both with target man works so well. You can play a driven pass to them from pretty much anywhere and when you want them to run in behind just press l1. Its such a deadly formation on counter attacks. Defensively its more challenging, I use striker drop back from dpad tactics with 442 always. I think The depth needs to be 6 maybe Even 7 because pressuring The midfield is so difficult with 442. If lets say opponent uses 4231 they have so much space with their cdms with the ball. I use this formation when I cant get things going with 4231 or opponent abuses team press or pressure after posession loss a lot.

    Some general tips with WL:

    Find what ever works for you. For example normally people tell you to not play more than few games at a time. However for me this is not the way. I find My best gameplay after lets say 4-5th game in a row. So I normally play 10 in a row. This works for me but not necessarily for you. Recognize when you are at your best. Try and play one warmup game at least If you can and If you have important games up ahead. I gotta be honest that I rarely do this and it costs me sometimes.

    With how to space out games once again its all dependand on what you are after. If you are not fighting for elite 1 ranks then generally its best to leave games as late as you can. Lets say playing like 5-5-20 would be ideal. However If you are top level player then it does not necessarily Make much difference I have found. For example this wknd I played 14-7-9 and it worked for me with 30-0. And also got high skill rating because of it.

    DONT PLAY TILTED! If you find yourself being angry and not enjoying it at all, stop. This is very important. For myself mentality is so important. Trying to enjoy it If you can, and always believing in yourself no matter The situation. Dont panic If you go down and start going Kamikaze on defence. I see so Many players going team press instantly after going 2-0 down on first half. Ofc tactically you can try and change stuff but dont overreact. And take your Time with chances. They will happen eventually.

    Some general gameplay tips and tricks:

    Here is one of the possible gamebreakers: If you find yourself playing on bad connection often and finding defending impossible with slow jockey speed and bad animations you should at least try playing with Manual jockey and auto move assistance on none. These can be found on controller settings. This what I use. Warning is this, its very difficult at beginning. Basically you have no automatic slowdown with your defending which makes your jockey speed much quicker. But also defending 1vs1 harder close to your own goal. Key is to use less R2 with L2 when close to own box. Basically go close to opponent with R2+L2 and then let go of R2. This is what some call gass and break defending. If you have no problems with assisted jockey and connection then ignore this.

    Extra pass. Harry Hesketh says it all the time. And its simply what separates top players. Always headup. And try and find that one more pass. When 1vs1 against keeper also head up and see If opponent moves his keeper.

    On defence dont rush your centerbacks. I gotta admit I do this sometimes as well. But its normally not good. Try and Be active and switch players and apply pressure always to ball holder. Ai defending might work up to some level but against good opponents it does not work. So try and learn manual defending.

    Most important skillmoves:

    My favourite move besides obvious fakeshots, ball rolls and Stepovers is easily reverse elastico. Its so effective inside The box. You can try and do a fakeshot and then reverse elastico, or just use it after one touch. Its so nice to create angles with. If it would have been one month ago I would have said bridge (r1 double tap) but it has become so used on wl that its no suprise anymore. So I dont think its that effective anymore. But the key with it what people dont realize is that players always use their right foot with skills so it works best on left side of pitch. So its not good on right wing for example but Works on left side.

    Obviously I have to keep some of My tricks to myself as well.

    Otherwise cant think more. Decided to write this sort of post after a long break after My 30-0. If you have questions about anything FIFA related I can try and answer when I can.

    Hopefully this helps someone.

    submitted by /u/jtasku
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    After Many Many Years, This Actually Worked!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:19 AM PST

    A person time wasting in the Mistery Ball friendlies made me realize there's no way I can enjoy this game on the long run

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:59 PM PST

    I'm writing this with a bit of sourness, and a lot of disappointment.

    It's for the God knows how many time that I open Fifa with a good mood, and I exit it with a bad one.

    I said to myself that I won't play any game tonight. But after a bit of trading, I was like "oh, well, I may as well try this mode for the first time, as the Prime Gold pack looks nice".

    I just got into Division 1 yesterday, so ofc I matched a sweat even in there. Like the kind of sweat that can't enjoy even a friendly. The kind of person that would play Fifa with his dad, and try to beat him no matter what, I am so very sure of it. But you know what, I actually enjoyed it for about 70 min or so. I really did. I skipped celebrations, he did too, I missed a lot, he did too, fine. I never played this mode, so it was a pleasant surprise.

    Until min 77 or so came, and he started time wasting while the "Speed Boost" was on. There was absolutely no way to get to him. Just turning around and around on super speed, there's no way to stop that. I turned on Team press, it did 0, as expected.

    At that point, it hit me. I will never ever be able to enjoy this game, to play it like a bit for fun, a bit for competition, a bit for rewards, a bit out of boring, you know? I tried, I really tried not to take it seriously, not to get too bothered by losses, but man, not only this game is garbage for me most of the times mainly because of delay/lag, but this community... oh, boy, this community deserves the worst, and I mean it.

    Pretty much all gaming communities are toxic, I'll give you that. But fifa? When you know you're playing for a simple pack in a friendly mode, and people still being as toxic as they can? When you know the game is so bad and frustrating most of the times, and you still try to frustrate that human you're playing A GAME versus, even more? Nah, this is nonsense, it's just pure evil, pure toxicity, coming out of stupidity maybe, or frustration, depression, I really don't know, but this is just evil.

    You can take your win, your pack, your game, and do whatever you want with them. This game is not made to be enjoyed, not in my eyes. Way too many times I have closed it with frustration, anger, or simply too much disappointment.

    This is more or less a vent, but I think after TOTY I am done with it. I saved some packs for it, I will enjoy opening them (way less now), but after that I think I'm out. As an avid and passionate player for the last 3 months, I can say this game does bad things to my mood and to my mental state.

    There's just no way to enjoy it, just absolutely no way, it will get to you one way or another, sooner or later. Sorry for the so long thread!

    submitted by /u/justletmecreateanick
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    Just played against Kurzawa in Rivals (Div 1 2200 skill rating)

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 12:56 PM PST

    My experience with the Headliners Mystery ball

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:46 PM PST

    I've just played 8 mystery balls matches and since I think that this mode is super fun, I made a little experiment. So, I used my full silver team. I knew forehand that it would match me up with a lot of icons, joe gomezes and raphael varans but hey, it's mystery ball, a very fun addition! So in general I wanted to see how would full meta squada players react when they see a silver team. Countless toxic celebrations, messages like "lol quit fifa noob" and of course holding the ball backfield when you're 1 up! So basically this showed me that our beloved fifa community is so very much toxic. One of these guys even paused after every goal and got so frustrated when I took the lead that he threw in his ferdinand and mendy so he could hold onto the ball in his own half. Sorry for a bit long post but I just wanted to share my experience because I honestly thought that it would be different.

    P. S. For all of you thinking "this guy used silver squad against meta and now he's complaining" like I said, I'm not frustrated nor complaining just utterly suprised.

    submitted by /u/Mymy01
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    Very interesting feature, had no idea you could do this.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:33 PM PST

    Ligue 1 POTM Nominees.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:30 AM PST

    Goosens just got a player face upgrade

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:03 AM PST

    Headliners objectives

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Missing content

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:21 AM PST

    POTM Aspas, where is he ?? He was announced 3 days ago..

    Upgrades for Malen and Klaiber ? I don't know how long it took for Acuna but for sure it wasn't this long..

    Milestones for Portugese, Belgian, Turkish and all the other small leagues ? Why don't we get them ?

    C'mon EA..

    submitted by /u/KeizerTitus
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    In your opinion, which players are the most overrated and underrated cards this fifa?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:50 PM PST

    Personally, overrated is Pope. While I've used him a bit in friendlies, I find him to be super inconsistent. While I admit I have played some games where he pulls off 12 saves in a game, he also plays a lot of games making 0 saves. He's good, but he's not the God everyone makes him out to be.

    The most underrated card I've used this fifa has to be Freeze Gnabry. He is so good, so fast and his shooting is insane. I've never come up against him, maybe he isn't meta enough for D2 and 1 but he is one of my fav players this year and is never spoken about.

    Lemme know who your overrated and underrated players are!

    submitted by /u/That-Inventor-Guy
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    Remember the guy who scored hundreds of goals with Čech. Well... meet Neuer.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 04:28 PM PST

    Came up against Steven Bergwijn in the WL last night

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:38 AM PST

    The oldest player in Fifa (53) has signed a new contract!!!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:46 AM PST

    Bastian Schweinsteiger’s toty

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 04:22 PM PST

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