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    Sunday, March 28, 2021

    EA Sports FIFA The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- March 28, 2021

    EA Sports FIFA The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- March 28, 2021

    The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- March 28, 2021

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    This thread is the place to go for the posts that crop up in /new that don't necessarily need a full thread for discussion, which include but are not limited to:

    • Subjective questions (such as "Who is better, Player X or Player Y?" or "Which Chemstyle is best on PM R9?")
    • Investment / Trading / Market posts
    • Sharing Squads / Asking for Suggestions
    • Other general gameplay discussion
    • Meta posts & Quick Questions
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Just beat Zinchenko 3-2 in WL, even got a �� replay in messages

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    The ball bouncing back to the attacker after you make a successful tackle is the worst

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    And it happens way too frequently. Why can't tackling be clean and effective? It's so annoying to time your challenge perfectly, only for someone like Mbappe or Werner to just randomly get the ball back and the next thing you know your entire defensive line is compromised.

    submitted by /u/fawwaznaeem
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    FUT Champs is not worth the stress

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    I'm a gold 2 / gold 1 player and play the game very frequently. About 3 weeks ago I was not able to play on Saturday or Sunday and during those days I realized how much time Fut Champs consumes. I also felt so much more relaxed and I was in a good mood. Since then I have started playing to silver 1 and I have felt so much better since. FUT Champs is not worth the stress for the rewards that you get. I play every week and some weeks I do not even get a board from my rewards. The red picks are also awful. If you stop at silver 1 you get a mega pack and a jumbo gold players pack along with 1 red pick to test your luck. You also get 2000 FUT Champs points for tbe next weekend. The rewards are as awful as gold 1 rewards and so are the red picks but you save your time and energy. Spend more time with your family and enjoy your weekend instead of sweating for an 83 higuain from your rewards.

    submitted by /u/GoldStormTX
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    81+ Player picks are back!

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    This community I tell you...

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    I hope EA give us a Loan filter. Maybe hiding them by default would work best

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    FB Mesut Özil SBC

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    CAF Project #3: The Atlas Lions

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    New Fut Birthday sbc Clues. FUT 14 Borussia Dortmund

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Attempting to play FIFA with even slightly bad connection is unplayable and nobody talks about it.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    Yeah, that's right, another post containing a salty fifa player complaining about a game. Except this is an actual problem that nobody talks about.

    I suffer from a large family. This means that online games and bandwidth of the internet is hard to come by in my household, especially with my family still unvaccinated and still at home 24/7.

    When I try to play fifa online, it's borderline unplayable because my internet isn't perfect and is constantly being stretched. When trying to play online games, I lag constantly. However, I gotten used to this after doing it for years on end.

    But fifa is a different story. Playing online fifa makes me want to punch my TV because of just how fucking terrible the gameplay is with a weak connection.

    Whoever the fuck designed this game's gameplay efficiency needs to get fired.

    WHY IS THE GAMEPLAY BASED ON YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION? Why is this a thing? No other game does this. Not, one.

    I fuckin dare you to go out and try to find a game that runs nearly 10x worse with a weaker connection.

    I see people all over the forums talking about FUT content being the worst thing in fifa, completely failing to realize that the gameplay is the worst that it's been in years. Either people have stopped beating the dead horse that is EA servers, or they genuinely don't mind the garbage gameplay.

    My gameplay is 10x worse than all of yours because my internet is slightly weaker than yours. The result? Playing online is actually worse than watching paint dry.

    Rant over. Sorry if I wasted your time.

    submitted by /u/AtleticoFan17
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    Passing online has become so bad it made me think I have a bad controller

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Pretty much the title. Passing has always been inconsistent in FIFA21 in terms of AI assistance and passes going to completely different people than the user intended but these past few weeks have been absolutely horrendous in every single aspect of passing when it comes to online gameplay.

    Passing power - every minute of every game is a gamble. Sometimes a pass requires a full meter to just barely reach a teammate while sometimes 1 bar overshoots it to outer space.

    Random passes into empty space - this is what made me think my controller was faulty. I was almost convinced that my analog stick has drift or is inputting the wrong command but no - the game just randomly decides to throw a pass in a completely random direction to no player whatsoever.

    AI player forgetting he's receiving a pass - this has been happening to me a lot over the past few weeks. I pass the ball normally to the flank and my teammate simply doesn't stop it with his feet and it goes out for a throw-in. Giving up possession like this is one of the most infuriating things in the game.

    Overshot through balls now more than ever - I'm not talking about the cancerous through balls that are being abused in 21, I'm specifically talking about short and obvious through balls that are a no-brainer when the opponent's defense leaves a gap. Almost always overhit to the goalkeeper.

    And lastly - passes simply not working in some games. Whole games where no pass works. I can't do one touch passes to save my life and I have to wait for 2-3 seconds every time I pass the ball for my player to "contain" it and then extremely carefully try and aim the easiest most obvious pass and hope for the best. This simply ruins any fun that's left over in the game and it also goes hand in hand with bad dribbling where players take enormous touches and feel like they have super glue on their shoe soles.

    Before anyone asks - I'm using a gigabit connection (hardwired) and the game is constantly telling me I'm playing with 26-28ms of ping. I even dodge matches that are 30ms+ because as we all know ping in this game is a complete lie. 28ms feels bad and 30+ feels unplayable to me while if you catch the servers at a good time you can play with 50+ and the gameplay can be good.

    There is something seriously wrong with this game mode. I've put up with the RNG, the through ball meta, the drop back, the constant relentless directional nutmeg fake shot spam. But now the game has transformed for being extremely unfun to being completely un-playa-ble.

    EDIT: Just wanted to add, this is not one of those "game is always scripted against me" complaining posts. It's the same for me as it is for people against me. I'm simply saying FUT has become even more broken than usual.

    submitted by /u/thetanaz
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    Just scored directly from a throw-in. Tony Pulis would be proud...

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    Day 3 and EA didn't give Origin players what they deserve. Still no free pack

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    I think they forgot that there are Fifa players on a computer.

    submitted by /u/DarthMaggi
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    Why are people like this?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Player Picks are back

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    What is wrong with Fifa 21 from the perspective of a Elite / Top 200 Player

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Hello my friends i want just tell you what is wrong with Fifa 21 from my perspective as a player who reaches Elite every WL and from time to time Top 200.I hope this points will get better with Fifa 22.

    • autoblock from shoots- it is just frustating that so many shots getting autoblocked from ai defender and that you have to use every time a skill move or fake shot to get a free shot which isnt autoblocked. Reduce the autoblock animation from player who are ai controlled. Player should get a revenue for active defending
    • build up play is useless

    - Passing and building a good chance is impossible against good player who play 5atb, the only method and safest way to create goals or shoot opturnitys is using skill moves with unrelastic speed boost to create space for a goal.

    • Skillmoves Abusing

    - This Fifa is all about abusing Skillmoves in the right Spot, u need 5* Skiller and you have to learn and now at which spot elastico reverse elastico cancel la croquette diagonel nutmeg is usefull to past the defender. Not the the smarter player is winning this game , the player who can abuse the right spots better is winning.

    • Same Player all time ( High Elo)

    - You see all the time the same Player because some players are so much better then others that you get a natural disadvantage when you play without them. You need 5* Skiller with a unique or lean body type. I used for fun HL Benzema and Toty Lewandowski, both great cards with great stats, but if you play against other Elite 2+ Player you are in disadvantage if you dont have cruyff cr7 neymar mbappe.Look at the Pro Level, nobody anymore plays Eusebio ( must pick from Fifa 20 ) because he has no 5* Skill

    • autocorrectur from passes

    - Just frustating if you pass in another direction then you player passes it, i know if it would be full manual it would be for most of us ( me includes ) so frustating. But then it would be a better skill gap in the game , maybe add a semi automatic pass correctur, which helps you at the right power but the direction wouldnt be effected from it.

    • Broken Rebounds

    - this physic is so broken, there so many rebounding to the feet of the offender after good tackles, that tackling is not giving you advantage and you have to jockey with the attacker most of the time.

    Sry for my english im not a native speaker


    submitted by /u/rbcolly
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    FB Mesut Ozil in-game stata

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    How to complete 10 players in 18 games

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    So I saw a lot of people pairing the Irish squad foundations with the efl challenges or Giroud, but with the new Hunterlarr challenges, you can now do 10 cards in a minimum of 18 games. You will need a full efl team with 4 Irish players and a bundesliga and Dutch player on the bench. Here is a quick summary of every challenge and here is the team I used. Doing this you should complete all 6 efl squad foundation players, the 3 Irish and the new Hunterlarr, hope this helps :)

    submitted by /u/Charlie_McNally
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    Streamers and realistic perception

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    Streamers and "semi" pro players are a huge bug bear of mine right now. They make raging at the game, complaining at rewards, and general all round entitlement which breeds a toxic community.

    The first one's the easiest so let's get it out the way first - raging. The likes of Castro who I've seen a video of literally smashing a pad and unboxing a new one specifically so he could smash it on screen are a downright joke. People see this and consider it a normal reaction because of "how terrible the game is". It's not a normal reasonable reaction when you essentially have a 50/50 chance of winning an online game. The more you rage yourself, the more toxic you're likely to be in your gameplay, celebrations etc. Some streamers have made this normal.

    Secondly - entitlement. The packs come with odds of less than 1% of getting a promo player. The low % odds are the exact reason special cards are special. Don't get me wrong, I'm no EA shill. I've packed 1 tradable player worth over 500k in TEN YEARS. The % should be increased slightly. But when I see a streamer opening a 5x85 pack and pulling Lewandowski and Oblak and declaring it a disappointment is frustrating. 2 of the top 6 in one pack being branded as a "Huge L" poisons the perception on the reality of what we are all going to get, and breeds bad feeling. And as a side point, people sharing "Huge W's" is exactly what EA want us to do so we open more of the sodding things.

    And finally, the biggest one for me at the moment is streamers downplaying their ability and making it seem like everyone should be playing this game full time and as a result have increased ability. First example is I've seen Nep say that drafts get you guaranteed profit. I'm lucky if I get one win on a draft (div 5/6 at the moment). Saying that you should be getting 3-4 wins each time - which he showed he did in his breakdown to be fair - is unrealistic for the casual player. Which most of us are. And the thing that prompted this post is I've seen for a number of weeks, streamers tweet about how difficult as sweaty the gameplay is "this week". Declare it to be unplayable. And then say "I'm 14-2 now, and done". How with a 15% loss rate can you also be complaining? It is bewildering to me.

    People need to take a step back from what these people have dictated is "normal" and realise that we are trying to have play casual game for a laugh.

    TL;DR - try not to pay attention to what you see online if you want to press a reset button and enjoy the game realistically.

    submitted by /u/Heisenbert18
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    86+ Double Upgrade SBC Requirements (Non-Repeatable)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    FB Ozil is the real deal! (Sorry for potato quality)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    FUT Birthday Inaki Williams and Leroy Sane Review

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    As I played some Rivals in preparation for this week's FUT Birthday Promo, I knew that I needed a new striker. And with this promo, two emerged as potential candidates. Stuck between deciding who to go for, I said the hell with it and went with both, changing up my tactics and formation in the process.

    I used both players as Strike partners in a 4-1-2-1-2(2) with Williams as my Left Striker and Sane as my Right Striker (PIM Nedved played as CAM to give you an idea of who was also feeding them). Both players were set to "Balanced Width", "Stay Forward", and "Get in Behind" instructions. I also played them as a ST/CF in a 4-4-1-1 and as a ST/RW in a 4-3-3(2), but ultimately felt they were better as duo Strikers. Please note that I did RQ some of my games due to gameplay and frustration, so although it affected their stats, it didn't affect my ratings of them.

    FUT Birthday Iñaki Williams (Finisher) -- 28 Games Played, 29 Goals, 19 Assists

    Pace - 10/10

    Man is fast. 1-2s with him are a breeze as he is able to run by most defenders (FBs at CB really suck but he did well once he was in behind).

    Shooting - 9/10

    Easily the biggest thing I like most about him. The upgrade from a 2 star to 4 star weak foot allowed me to be more unpredictable and comfortable shooting with either foot. He did miss some sitters for me (possibly due to user error when it came to shot power), but overall, he did very well with his positioning and finishing, and has justified his place in my team.

    Dribbling - 9/10

    He already had 4 star skill moves, but the added star helps with inside the box turns. A quick McGeady spin and boom! Easy goal! His agility and balance felt really good as well, although his balance isn't much different from his regular gold. As someone who didn't use his Rulebreakers, this version of him felt very very fun to use.

    Passing - 8/10

    Maybe the most underrated part of this card that truly surprised me was his passing. Although a lot of his passes were 1-2s with Sane, he also made some incredible through ball passes to players out wide as forward to my CAM as well. However, he was inconsistent in some games, which leaves more to be desired for sure. I think a 9 would be too high of a rating because of it, but I was still impressed nonetheless.

    Defending - N/A

    He's a forward, so the only thing to make note of is his heading accuracy. He scored 3 headers in the games that I played. It's not incredible, but given that headers are inconsistent with me, I see this an as absolute win.

    Physical - 9/10

    Man is strong. Added that he has pace, jumping, AND can last the full 90 minutes plus ET, physical is there. He will get bodied by a smaller player here and there on a 50/50, but he is very good at shielding the ball when a defender is on him, which really helped on 1v1s so that he could finish with ease.

    Overall — 9/10

    FUT Birthday Leroy Sane (Marksman) -- 28 Games Played, 32 Goals, 21 Assists

    Pace - 10/10

    Again — man is fast. Like with Williams, 1-2s were easy, FBs at CB were a bitch. But once behind, there was no catching him.

    Shooting - 10/10

    He. Does. Not. Miss. The 5 star weak foot upgrade is HUGE. Finesse on the left or right or just put his boot through it, he is incredible. More clinical than Williams for sure, and just seemed to be in more natural positions to be able to finish with ease. It reminds me of his card from last year (?) that had the 4 star combo. Very clinical and easily turned into one of my favorite strikers.

    Dribbling - 9/10

    +5 agility and +13 balance compared to Williams was noticeable. Still smooth, but not like a Neymar, Mbappe, etc. — but he can turn quickly in the box to shoot on either foot, which is what I liked most about him.

    Passing - 8/10

    Similarly to Williams, his passing is underrated but not incredible. His overall passing is better that what I've used before, though, and was great at assisting on 1-2s and some through balls. His solid short passing stat is a huge benefit to making that happen.

    Defending - N/A

    Not really a factory where he plays, but has made some weird tackles to get the ball back from CBs to get easy goals.

    Physical - 7/10

    He can last a full 90 plus ET, but everything else is pretty meh. His strength has come into play when holding off defenders once he's behind the backline, but not too much else to really write home about. Even with the bonus that the Marksman chem gives to jumping and strength, it didn't seem very significant.

    Overall — 9/10

    Of the two players, I'm happy to be able to use both this weekend. While I lost a considerable amount of coins on them, I'm okay with that knowing that I had arguably my best weekend using this attack. It was a lot of fun and I would honestly recommend either of them to anyone who is looking for a clinical striker to lead their attack.

    I'm on mobile writing these reviews, so sorry for any potential formatting issues.

    submitted by /u/YungBidness
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    Thanks for defending my goal?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    With these daily player SBC’s, I would love that you could chose between a 5* WF or 5* SM

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    As an non skiller I would love an Podolski with 5* WF instead of 5* SM. I'm not capable of doing those skillmoves, neither do I feel interested to learn them. So an 5* WF is way more interesting for me

    submitted by /u/KeizerTitus
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