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    Thursday, April 8, 2021

    EA Sports FIFA The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- April 08, 2021

    EA Sports FIFA The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- April 08, 2021

    The r/FIFA Daily Discussion Thread -- April 08, 2021

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    This thread is the place to go for the posts that crop up in /new that don't necessarily need a full thread for discussion, which include but are not limited to:

    • Subjective questions (such as "Who is better, Player X or Player Y?" or "Which Chemstyle is best on PM R9?")
    • Investment / Trading / Market posts
    • Sharing Squads / Asking for Suggestions
    • Other general gameplay discussion
    • Meta posts & Quick Questions

      Join the conversation over on r/FIFA's Official Discord! https://discord.gg/NKUG6X8BEq

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Could you imagine this happening in FIFA 21?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    In other news, former FIFA pro and an EA brand manager in Mexico got arrested for dressing up old to get a vaccine.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 03:00 PM PDT


    It's all in spanish, but it's kinda funny

    The former pro was a runner up in 2009 according to the article, and he was accompanied by an EA brand manager in Mexico. They both tried to disguise and presented false documents and got arrested.

    There's more to the story as my country is way behind vaccination numbers, but that's a different story not related to this sub, but it had to be an EA employee...

    UPDATE: EA has stated they don't condone this behavior and don't approve. Also, they'll investigate...

    submitted by /u/pwomboli
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    Tic progression.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    I've been thinking of keeping the community updated on my progression, as a thanks for the individuals who wanted to aid me with my struggles.

    It's honestly been better than ever, I feel like I've overcome something, and altho I'm starting to feel my tics will be forever due to my nerve system being damaged by shrapnel I can definitely see more self-control returning.

    I've been able to pick stuff up more easily over time, instead of having my hands somewhat more "cramped up" in a way, which is mostly in the morning as a sort of paralysis. Sorta my best way of describing it.

    Gameplay wise I have improved majorly, with the ability of holding the controller and utilizing it as I used to (or normal folk would) and sort of playing like nothing ever happened.

    I can't express my quantity of appreciation well enough in words.Others would say my service is enough, but it's what I signed up for and I personally don't deem it good enough.

    My gratitude towards the community is immense.All I can do is pray that all your future packs include icons (knowing EA that'll be unlikely).

    Equal thanks to people who offered to play games/matches with me, to help me practice with this small inconvenient handicap, so to speak.

    I can't express it enough.Much love. God bless you all.



    For those that want to hear some other stuff that I didn't mention.

    I've started up a sort of "help centrum" around a NATO base nearby in my local area, to aid individuals that were immobilized, mentally overloaded, handicapped, etc. by war.

    And for the gamers among them, I've decided to start something up with some of my friends IRL to find ways to still make them enjoy what they used to before they went out on the field. Trying to find the best kind of assistance or ways, to help them play games again.

    Thank you all. With your help provided, I strive to pass it onto those who equally need it.

    And as someone said in comment sections prior to this one;

    "Apes together, strong."

    submitted by /u/TheRichLaprechaun
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    No showdown SBC for El Classico?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Biggest game of the year on Saturday and it's not getting a showdown sbc? Seems kinda stupid. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/BoatsandHoes--x
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    Something i’ve started doing recently that’s making fifa somewhat bare able and less toxic

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Before every game, i invite the guy i'm playing to party chat. In the instances where they accept it, we just talk about football and fifa while we're sweating it out in a rivals or fut champs game. Instead of raging at the guy you're playing, you talk to them and genuinely have a good time and make friends. Try it out!

    submitted by /u/abbytarar
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    It seems life FutBirthday revived the Neybappe.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:41 PM PDT

    Played a good 30 games since sunday and i was starting to feel like I came up against this duo more than usual.

    Today i fact checked: 8 games in, 8 Neymar+Mbappe at 2100 SR.

    This duo wasnt dead, but Im sure that this Renato, Atal, Sambia didnt help killing it.

    submitted by /u/Prestigious_Ad1151
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    Dybala with the Blanco hop

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    Party Bag released again

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Nicest longshot I’ve scored this year

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    St Juste is so bad omg

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Just wasted 400k worth of fodder. Lean body type on a CB is not ideal when defending. Lars Bender on the other side for 200k is a monster.

    It hurts but it is what it is

    submitted by /u/Ahojr30
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    Matchmaking disabled?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    Is matchmaking disabled?

    submitted by /u/jackp31
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    EA sports is doing a golden ticket for madden ultimate team.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    Ea Sports is giving out 3 golden tickets in madden ultimate team and if you get one then you can design your own card and it's stats. So if they were to do this for fifa, what player would you pick? Mine would be a future stars Emile smith Rowe. 90 rated CAM.

    submitted by /u/grahamiscool666
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    Remember teams based on star level..

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    You go over to your mates house for a few games of fifa and when picking teams both agree it's only common courtesy to pick a team with the same star level. After you beat the shit outta your poor friend, you decide to be a 2* team while he's Barcelona and he barely beats you in the 90th minute and jokes how he's better than you.. you both laugh then maybe you actually go outside to play some get this... real life football.

    10 years later(present day)... you try to get into ultimate team and have man like Harry Kane up top, a premier league top scorer... along with a few other rare golds giving your team a whole 5 stars.. thinking your team is top notch you go into weekend league and play mbappe and R9 every other game. It's not the losing that gets to you tho... you are humble in winning and in defeat. It's the messages that come after a close game of the guy with R9 reaffirming to you how fucking shit you are and to get a better team.

    Really wish weekend league was an even playing field at least cap the team rating or player ratings you can use once a month... lol

    submitted by /u/NotoRw
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    Party bag pulls thread

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Show us the Calhanoglus and Van Aanholts

    submitted by /u/Lacabloodclot9
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    UCL, Championship and Bundesliga SBCs re released

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    My best goal In Fifa 21

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:35 PM PDT

    Youth Academy Only career mode, 5 seasons in - Here are some of the results

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    Marquee Matchups packs and requirements

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    Is fodder high or low right now?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    I wanna stock up before another icon pick sbc comes out but i dont really know fodder pricing. What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/Jeff9898
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    What players do you love that no one else seems to use?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Idk why but i love using Litmannen. Rocking his PIM at striker and even though he isnt that fantastic or meta ive just really liked using him in my team for the past few years. Every goal he gets genuinely makes me smile. Im not even Finnish

    submitted by /u/ravioli_daberoni
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    Why should high end players be rare?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    I constantly see this argument that "you don't want everyone running around with mega player x, y or z" and all I can think is why not?

    What is the benefit of having lots of players that are completely unattainable unless you get very lucky, trade hours a day or spend thousands of real world currency?

    I get what the benefits are for EA, but why specifically does the player base not want top tier players to be more accessible?

    Do you enjoy being cucked by the whales who have these top players or something?

    submitted by /u/StinkyPyjamas
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    What’s going on this year?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but this time last year I don't remember cards being this cheap (Van Dijk is 80K) and I'm elite 1 in squad battles after only 13 world class games. Has the player base shrunk this year?

    submitted by /u/pen15es
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    Best player in FIFA 21?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    Who have been the best player for you in FIFA 21?

    For me it has been Che Adams 💪🏻

    submitted by /u/Johnny_john_john88
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    is fifa 21 the best of these past 3 years?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    for me its better than fifa 19 and 20 gameplay wise

    submitted by /u/mrdouman
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