EA Sports FIFA Futbin already updated his name �� |
- Futbin already updated his name ��
- Who remembers when match highlights used to have saves, misses, skills, etc.. Like highlights are supposed to be
- UPDATE: I’m about to play 30 games of Ultimate TOTS WL b2b
- Sorry to break the news to you guys but WAMAN‘s real name isn’t Wamangituka.
- EA put Fabrizio Romano name as one of the scout in fifa ��
- New promo loading screen
- Festival of Futball Loading Screen!
- Throwback to this lovely message i got for winning a game in fut 17
- TOTS Lanzini: Longshot Perfection
- Flashback Tevez SBC
- I make FIFA covers for fun and just had to make one once I saw this shot. Enjoy!
- Remember, the game is almost done and an untradeable player you never use is only worth his rating.
- Which TOTS player surprised you the most?
- Finally a snipe. lurking on 59th min paid off.
- Ok, so EA chose a good dynamic for Tevez
- Waluigi looks a little different
- Tevez is bloody cracked.
- For those doing the +90 and +88 TOTS, Good Luck!
- We should have a roadmap each season from EA detailing/teasing the upcoming promos, SBCs and objectives.
- 600k into 80+ pps and not a single tots
- Why is there never any good Phil Foden cards?
- Sbc rooney still insane
- I think he was a little upset after loosing 7-1 in fut champs
- Difference between Summer Heat and Festival of Football? What to expect? (Assuming EA doesn’t fuck it up)
- FIFA Playtesting (22 - 27 june) - North America only
Futbin already updated his name �� Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:05 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Jun 2021 01:57 PM PDT |
UPDATE: I’m about to play 30 games of Ultimate TOTS WL b2b Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:58 AM PDT Yes then ladies and gents, I hope your Tuesday is going as good as mine. I thought it was only fair for me to update you after the insane support I got on my previous post. I really appreciated the kind words and support, it's genuinely made my week, like honestly. I didn't realise it had blown up as much as it did. I would've updated you sooner if I'd have known; so apologies for those of you that had thought I'd died haha! Ok, so… After I saw someone had posted "Fut Track" as an app to track my WL off, I went into game numero uno right around 06:30am. I tracked all the goals, assists and W/L's over the course of the 29 games I played. (I gave my last game away as I couldn't achieve the next rank and the guy genuinely gave me the dance celebration and paused it for me to quit. It was a bold move, especially in Champs. It almost enticed me to play the game out but I decided to be the bigger man as I was absolutely fried, it was nearly 10pm. But you've just got to love this community!) The first 8 games went by super quick, the connection was like nothing I've ever had before. I cannot recommend the early hour's gameplay enough. It was CLEAN. Everything was doing exactly what I wanted. Believe me when I say it doesn't always go as well as those did. I got 7 RQ's and a 5-0 win when the guy rubber banded his controller for the 2nd half all before 8am. My rule of thumb for hitting Elite is if I can hit 8-2 as a minimum on a Friday, 16-4 as a minimum on Saturday, I can always give Elite a good go. So being 8-0 after an hour and a half I had the momentum on my side and I was genuinely flying. My team is decent, I made a post a few months ago explaining just how to achieve a decent team without spending £ titled "GUIDE: The most effective way to run your FUT21 account for free." This definitely has an impact on RQ's. If you go 2 or 3 goals behind against a player with a decent team when they aren't experiencing delay, it's usually game over and I was on the right side of this and feeling frisky. Now with the Xbox Series X/S FIFA21 community, after about 10 games you start matching with players who you've usually played before in previous weekends as the player pool is quite small at a decently positive ELO at the moment. I always write down the gamertags of players who absolutely slap me up, usually I'll enter their name on FUTWIZ too so that I can see if they've ever been verified. Enter "Nemesis #1" (N1 for short). N1 is a bit of a whopper. N1 loves a cheeky emoji message after a game. N1 has been verified on FIFA19 and in all honesty, he plays the game very well rather than the beautiful football you'd prefer. What I mean by this, is that he is someone whose playstyle is adapting to how the game wants you to play each year. N1 will try and exploit absolutely everything in his power to win. That's fine, you do you. It's a game and everyone can play like that if they so choose. But for me, it leads to a game where I have to be totally ON IT to win. I don't play anti-meta and I'm definitely a sweat also, Mbabu is my LCB, I don't have a high horse. I play a flat 442 Sir Alex Ferguson style. Always have, always will. He played 4312 counter attack. I had 76% possession and lost 2-1. I had 4 significant chances, he had 3. N1 gave me a kiss emoji and sent me on my way, 8-1. I was okay, a bit gutted to lose my first game, but okay. A huge thing in gaming that I've learnt in my 26 years on this planet is that your mentality is what matters past a certain skill level. It's the same with athletes and sportsmen etc. Keeping composed is essential for success. I give myself the rule of 2. 2 losses in a row and I have to physically do another activity for 30 minutes before returning. The next 5 games were sweaty. I won all 5 by 1 or 2 goals, coming from behind at 10-1 and 11-1 to secure those sweet, sweet dubs felt good. The retribution I felt after winning the 11-1 game after being 2 goals behind to what can only be described as a genuine torture method of crossing the ball to 98 CR7 repeatedly almost provoked a lack of judgement on my part. I nearly became N1. I typed out the kiss emoji ready to send it and just as I was about to, he messaged "GG you're sick, what's your rank?" Boys and girls, I felt ashamed. I went to the toilet for a wee and had a hard look at myself in the mirror as I pretended to wash my hands. I don't know why I do that, I don't even live with anyone. Keeping up appearances I guess. I sit back down after my pep talk and it's about 10:30-11am and I say to myself I'll carry on until I lose 2 in a row and take a break for a bit. I've got twitch on in the background and I start to hear people complaining about the gameplay. That's odd, it been fine. I enter the next game and it's like I've moved to dial up connection, I swear I can even hear the weird buzzing noises it used to make. I lose 1-0. I didn't create anything, neither did they. I tried skipping the replays after they had a long shot but the connection was absolutely dog water and I passed it to my CB and you know the drill. I was absolutely livid. My body temperature reached the highs of the Sahara. I shouldn't have queued up again but I'd said to myself 2 in a row just 20 minutes ago so I enter game #16 at a respectable 13-2. 5-0 down before half time, feeling absolutely brilliant. I honestly don't mind losing to someone like this. They weren't verified though and they had Isak and Fekir up top. I got blasted. 8-1 in the end, always get my token LewanGOALski goal though. BREAK TIME. I gave myself until midday to chill out. I started watching that Asia Qualifiers on twitch to spark some new creativity and learnt the power of the first time fake shot. Trick is to load up the fake shot straight after the pass. Cool. I'll give it a go. Can I just say if you have someone who's a little bigger than the meta like Lewa then this skill move is OP AF. Fake shot the 90 degree reverse angle from where the ball is played and you create this like step/speed boost combo with a big player who just bodies/bundles through the opposition defensive line and then because both of my ST's have 5* WF it's a simple across goal finish every single time. Midday hits and I'm 13-3. I need to win 3 and only lose 1 to have a realistic chance for Elite in my last 10 games and that's exactly what I get. I win 3 in a row with a quick RQ in the 2nd game and then lose the 4th game 2-0 to a better player. I'm 16-4 at 1pm and I'm happy. Usually I don't play my Sunday games until the evening anyway and I've just had a loss so I break for lunch. I do intermittent fasting so only drink black coffee before 1pm so it seemed a natural time to break for food. I give myself until the latest 4pm until I sit down for my final 10. I'm conscious I've played 20 games of fifa already and don't want to be playing too late, but the first 8 were so quick I felt ok. I could tell I was a little tired but no cause for concern at this stage. I go for a little walk before returning whilst listening to some absolute bangers such as "Toploader – Dancing in the Moonlight" and "Funky Town – Lipps. Inc" as the standouts and again give myself a little pep talk before embarking on the final 1/3 of my games. I return ready and refreshed after my lunch etc and sit down again just before 3:30pm. I proceed to play my best fifa of the day in this next little 2 hour session. I won 5 out of 5 games from 16-4 to 21-4. This little first time fakeshot trick I've incorporated is doing absolute wonders. It just gives me that extra yard. I've always had skills in my gameplay and used them effectively, I use all the meta skills but I've never done a skill cancel in my life. However, this first time fakeshot almost feels unfair as you can just change trajectory so fast and unnaturally. I think this session here was the catalyst for getting the rank I got. I think even if I'd have lost 1 game of these 5, things would have been wildly different. I could feel myself lagging in my brain. I was winning and I was playing well but sometimes I'd do something really stupid and when I'd look up after the game the actual real world looked different. I almost felt like I was in a video game because I'd just been concentrating for such an extensive amount of time, it's really hard to explain the feeling I'm trying to describe, I almost just didn't feel real. Now for me 17:30-18:30 GMT is an absolute no go for gameplay unless you literally cannot play at any other time, it's just too heavy. So naturally I break again but I start to genuinely get a bit anxious about playing my last 5. I'm 21-4 and need 2-3 for Elite. Surely I can't bottle this. I queue up for game #26 and I match Nemesis #2. (N2) I've played this guy every week. We must live really close and our schedules must just match up. I've never beaten them. The closest I've come is pens. I don't even know half the combos they do, there's that many skill cancels, skills, skill cancels, skills etc etc etc that they basically just teleport across the pitch. I lost 4-1. I could tell I was tired. It's usually a bit more competitive. They messaged me "GG see you next week" and I replied amicably also, even if it wasn't a GG. I could taste the sodium chloride in my mouth. I can't bottle it. I've come too far. I break again. 7:30pm rolls around (I like to start on the hour or half an hour when I break) and I play game #27 and it's a nice easy W. 3-0. No qualms. I was better than they were, they had 1 shot and I dominated. I felt relief. 22-5 and I only need 1-2 for Elite young man, come on you got this, I said. Straight into the next. nemesis #3 enters the chat Red 96 Neymar, Red 95 CR7, Red 92 AWB and Red 95 Varane. What. The.…. EA golden boy or should I say red boy??? I never stood a chance. Usually it's very close and I've won against him before. He's a top 200 player on a good week but he actually plays football. That's why I've had the better of him before, he takes risks. He plays high depth and aggressive and he's very very good at it. I lost 9-2. I collapsed. I was absolutely fried after 30 in-game minutes. 22-6. It's getting tight, just like my suit post lockdown. I break again. I say to myself I want to be in bed by 10:30pm latest as I was back at school on Monday. It's 9:30pm and I say to myself win or lose, it's now or never. I load into a game and it disconnects at 0-0 27 minutes in, he DC'ed. Not me. Time wasted for sure but at least it's not a loss. Phew. ANTI-NEMESIS ENTERS THE CHAT What? A full bronze team?! This can't be rig…. Why's he scored an own goa…. OH MY GOD PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I skip the celebrations and low and behold he quits. 23-6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES BABY WE DONE IT. GET THE RED PANTIES OUT BABY WE DONE IT. YA DON'T MESS WITH THE KING AND IF YOU DO YA DON'T MISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As stated earlier, I gave the last game away, but only just haha. In conclusion, my takeaways are:
Again, I really do want to extend my gratitude to all of you who commented/upvoted my previous post it was such a lovely surprise when I logged into Reddit. I honestly can't thank you enough! I've also just done this all on mobile in a free period, I would like to show everyone my FUT Track for the weekend league but I don't seem to be able to do a picture and text at the same time on mobile. I'm about to have a parent's evening also but will check the comments (if any) later to find a fix! Thanks everyone and please stay safe! [link] [comments] |
Sorry to break the news to you guys but WAMAN‘s real name isn’t Wamangituka. Posted: 08 Jun 2021 01:12 AM PDT It has been confirmed by his club, VfB Stuttgart , his real name is Silas Katompa Mvumpa and he was a victim of his former agent who dragged him into playing with a fake identity apparently https://www.vfb.de/de/vfb/aktuell/neues/profis/2021/silas-wamangituka-stellungnahme/ Update : Apparently he's also one year older which makes him 22 and not 21 [link] [comments] |
EA put Fabrizio Romano name as one of the scout in fifa �� Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:29 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:01 AM PDT |
Festival of Futball Loading Screen! Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:11 PM PDT |
Throwback to this lovely message i got for winning a game in fut 17 Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:50 AM PDT |
TOTS Lanzini: Longshot Perfection Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:51 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:01 AM PDT |
I make FIFA covers for fun and just had to make one once I saw this shot. Enjoy! Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:48 PM PDT |
Remember, the game is almost done and an untradeable player you never use is only worth his rating. Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:54 AM PDT So do the sbc. Use that Icon you might use once again in an objective. Everyone (mostly) does golden goal in swaps anyway, you'll get it done without much fuss. Don't hold onto players for no reason. [link] [comments] |
Which TOTS player surprised you the most? Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:31 PM PDT Since TOTS is nearly over, let's find out some hidden gems that most people overlooked and are an integral part of your team now. Mine is - TOTS Amiri [link] [comments] |
Finally a snipe. lurking on 59th min paid off. Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:07 PM PDT |
Ok, so EA chose a good dynamic for Tevez Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:09 AM PDT |
Waluigi looks a little different Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:02 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:51 AM PDT Not even a fan of him in real life but decided to complete the SBC anyway since I've tons of fodder. I've never used a card that felt like his before, the short and balanced body type coupled with 99 strength and 96 aggression just feels so unique and unreal. Finishing is top tier and his close control dribbling is Messi-like, with the added benefit of not getting dispossessed even after being at a receiving end of a clean tackle due to his strength. Only nitpick would be his average stamina, which is a little bit of an issue for me as I play 4222 and I have him on come back instruction. Overall, I'd say this is a 9.5/10 card considering how affordable his SBC is. Best part is I'm playing him on only 8 chem. [link] [comments] |
For those doing the +90 and +88 TOTS, Good Luck! Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:20 AM PDT If you have the fodder available, nice. Roll the dice and see what happens. That's what I did. Just didn't expect to pack a Dupe Oblak, in both packs. Spain without the S. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:51 AM PDT I feel like this would lessen the element of disappointment when logging in at 6pm that many experience. Ideally we would just get more content, but at least more communication about promos and content would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
600k into 80+ pps and not a single tots Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:44 AM PDT I have sunk 600k into 80+ pps over the past few days and not gotten a single tots. My friend has probably done around 300k-400k of pps and not gotten one either. Did ea just forget to make tots packable or something? [link] [comments] |
Why is there never any good Phil Foden cards? Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:11 AM PDT Seems like all the other Young Stars have amazing cards! But you can't find legitimately one usable card of Foden... Any reason for this? Surely he deserves one special card. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:09 PM PDT Does anybody still use Rooney's sbc? I use him as a box to box in a 41212(2) and he's still phenomenal. I've tried replacing him so many times but he always finds his way back into the team. Even on 8 chem he's the best cm in the game for me. [link] [comments] |
I think he was a little upset after loosing 7-1 in fut champs Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:31 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:35 PM PDT |
FIFA Playtesting (22 - 27 june) - North America only Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:18 PM PDT |
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