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    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    EA Sports FIFA Squad Battles Rewards Megathread

    EA Sports FIFA Squad Battles Rewards Megathread

    Squad Battles Rewards Megathread

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:59 PM PST

    Share your pack pulls!

    (Remember: SB rewards are always given 5 minutes after)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    EA really want me to integrate hakimi into my team.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:45 AM PST

    Here we go again! Welcome back Squad Updates!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:23 AM PST

    Pair of legends returning to the game.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:52 AM PST

    The amount of goals I concede from tackles going to the attacker is laughable.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:16 PM PST

    I've played two games tonight. I've scored 8 goals. None of them from these stupid tackles falling to the attacker.

    I have conceded 11 and 9 of them have been mbappe just running straight into my defender, me tackling him perfectly and the ball going straight back to him.

    I know they will never fix this because it's in the game so bad players can win games and go and spend money but Jesus Christ it's the most unrewarding game of all time.

    submitted by /u/Oathbreaker_ox
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    The 4-3-3 Masterization (Updated) | Top 10 | 2400 SR

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:22 AM PST

    Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence...

    And so it was with these words that I continued to observe, theorize, and tinker, as I strove to create the strongest 4-3-3 the fifa world has ever known.

    Two months ago, i created the Ultimate 4-3-3 Guide. Though initially satisfied, a patch quickly knocked my carefully laid formation off its tracks. I watched in despair as my tried and tested methods of attack and defence reduced in speed and efficiency. But I was determined to adapt.

    And after much experimentation, and a peculiar weekend in which I faced no less than 3 pros, I was able to record my highest ever finish, conceding a record low 16 goals even though I played with 10 depth.

    Much of the background and rationale over choosing to use a 4-3-3 (note - its actually a 4-3-2-1) have been explored in the previous post. You can gain a more in depth perspective there, but here's a quick rundown :

    1. It murders the 4-2-3-1 and 4-1-2-1-2(2) formations that are rife in FUT. It also matches favorably vs the 4-4-2, although it(the 4-4-2) remains the best formation in the game.
    2. People don't know what the hell you're running, will pause the game to check, and will still have no clue how to handle it
    3. It's a skill expressive formation. Literally. The formation stretches the opposition across the pitch and will then place your forward line in a position where he finds himself isolated against just 1 player. Whether its on the wing with your wide forwards, in the pocket between cb and rb with your LCM, or with your striker forcing his way between both centerbacks, the formation will ensure only one opponent will stand in your way when the time comes. And then you better be smooth with the right stick.
    4. Every move feels purposeful. We have all played the bog-standard 4-2-3-1. You distinctly remember the feeling of passing the ball aimlessly between Kante and Sissoko, hoping for one faulty player switch, or for your opponent to fall asleep. With my 4-3-2-1, even attempts to slow down the play will see your players absolutely streaming into gaps you didn't know existed.

    Three Disclaimers

    1. This formation is a 4-3-2-1. Not a 4-3-3. The name stemmed from my obssession in creating the perfect 4-3-3 formation, and failing woefully because of the failure of inverted fullbacks in FIFA. You can read the previous post for more details
    2. This formation utilizes the much feared 10 depth. I realized after countless trial and error that a 4 at the back formation which commits more than 4 players forward will never be safe from the looming spectre of the Counterattacking Mbappe. I chose not to live in fear and to instead confront this challenge in the most daring fashion. To this end, precise player switching, pressure on the ball carrier, the most rapid defenders you can afford, and a good connection are vital requirements if you dont want to concede 4 goals per game on the counter. For a lot of people, I suspect it won't be worth it.
    3. Learn a couple of skills please. Unfortunately, fifa has 'evolved' too much in this direction. This formation offers a passing option in every direction and multiple avenues to construct your attack, whether it be crossing, counters, through balls or build up play. But you can create even more angles and chances if you use skill moves. You don't even need to beat your man. Just change up the angle or position. With the extra yard that comes from your opponent's inevitable momentary adjustment, there comes your opportunity.

    Custom Tactics

    After playing, recording and re-watching about 100 games, I began to refine even further my playstyle, the custom tactics and instructions. Where I made changes from my previous post, I use bolded italics

    Defensive StylePress on Heavy Touch : Alright, honesty time. Press on possession loss is broken in this game. And I mean in the bad way. Particularly, its broken when you turnover the ball when you have committed numbers forward. The few midfielders and defenders behind take up the most helter skelter pressing positions without any sense of priority or positioning. I finally understand why so many pros have told me to stop using that pile of shit. But we still wanna press. So we use press on heavy touch.

    Width – 5 : Width remains the same as before. But if im against skilled users of the 4-1-2-1-2(2), I adjust it to 4 width. Overload ball side is only necessary if you're sure the game won't go to extra time. If you do, the combination of press on heavy touch, overload ball side and the back to front nature of the formation WILL ensure you lose in extra time thanks to fatigue.

    Depth10. I'm sorry. I tried my hardest but saw no way to avoid it. And it was here I realized that this formation would never be accepted by the majority. But the more I tried to avoid it, the more it seemed that 10 depth was the answer. The occasional automatic offside traps that seem to only be present on 10 depth served as a nice bonus. Putting pressure on the ball carrier, and switching to your cb to anticipate in time if you fail to do so, are essential.

    Offensive Style – Possession. This serves as a defensive, rather than offensive measure. To prevent your already offensive formation from committing too many numbers forward. To leave more bodies in the midfield so that you dont have to face as many counters as you normally would.

    Width8 - The secret of this formation is the runs made by your LCM. Where previously, he was on free roam, now he's on get forward. His job is to exploit the pocket between cb and rb, where the cb is pinned by your striker and RB by your RF. So you need some width.

    Players in Box – 5: Remains the same

    Corners – 2

    Free Kicks – 2


    Here, ive made a few relevant changes. They will be in bold italics


    - Saving on Crosses – Comes for Crosses

    - Saving Outside box – Sweeper Keeper

    Right Back – He Who Provides The Overload. Most of my attacks come through the right. Overload the enemy defense with your RB, RF and your striker who is drifting wide. Then pass it to your breaking LCM for the easiest goal of your life. Straight from the Pep Handbook

    - Attacking Runs – Join the Attack

    Centerbacks – Leave on Default

    Left Back – The left back forms one of my two defensive answers to the Counterattacking Mbappe. Originally on balanced, I have pulled him back to the boring staybackwhileattacking in order to assuage the previously relentless counterattacks. At the cost of some offensive potency, counterattacking has now ceased to be an active worry

    - Attacking Runs - Stay Back While Attacking :(

    Center Central Midfielder – Same role as before. Your defacto DM who steps into the backline to allow your fullbacks to step forward and your CB's to occupy wider spaces. I find the below instruction compels your left back to step slightly forward even though he's nominally on Stay BAck

    - Attacking Support – Drop Between Defenders

    Right Central Midfielder – He is the man who recycles the play in frustrated attacks. In so doing, he allows the DM to stay further back, since he has taken over the recycling duty. He is also a great buffer in shuttling the ball from right to left, and your most reliable player in slowing the counter.

    - Attacking Support – Stay back while attacking, cover center

    Left Central Midfielder – This dude basically fulfills the Ramsey Role. Except that he should be far faster and a better finisher than Ramsey. His most important job on the pitch is to burst into that half pocket between right back and centerback, and he needs the pace to get there as well as the finishing ability to make it count.

    Attacking support - Get Fucking Forward, cover center

    Right Forward - This dude needs to be quite versatile. Quick, a good passer, confident dribbler, and an expert finisher. He needs to combine well with his RB, RCM, and ST to create quality and easy chances. The possession tactic in conjunction with get in behind offers an irresistible balance that makes things almost unfair for the opponent

    Attacking Runs - get in behind

    Left Forward - The Left Forward is a bit different from last time. Now he's given the stay wide instruction, which allows the LCM space to operate and burst through. However, because of Get in Behind, he will still make those wonderful darting runs from outside to inside, as well as not getting lost on the wing because he's not as wide as he would be if he was an LW in a 4-3-3

    - Attacking RunsGet in Behind, Stay Wide

    Striker – I thought about it a lot, and finally settled on the drift wide instruction. This enables him to combine with both flanks effectively, and create space for your LCM to burst through. However, the real magic of this instruction is he still plays like a proper 9 and will still play mainly from the center, hold up the ball, and make darting runs in the middle. By far the most underrated instruction in the game

    - Attacking runs - Drift Wide!!

    Best of luck guys. I'm planning on retiring this formation in FUT (I will only use it in tournaments from now on) and resuming work on my one true love - the 4-3-3(2). Therefore, I won't be posting any more updates to this wonderful formation, which I mostly regard as currently complete.

    submitted by /u/Ripamon
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    Played against another Eto’o for the first time, fair to say it went exactly as expected

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 04:10 PM PST

    Can’t use 352 anymore guys

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:31 AM PST

    He's never moving his keeper again ��

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:22 PM PST

    Now that Mesut Özil has officially joined Fenerbahçe, is there a chance we get something like this?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:51 PM PST

    Analysis of my Defending & Attacking from my WL Elite vs. Elite match [More in Comments]

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:56 PM PST

    Typical day in the office for Nick Pope.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:54 AM PST

    The best card that nobody knew about/ remembers?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:27 AM PST

    Positional 82+ upgrades re released

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:01 AM PST

    WL Recap - Feyenoord Past & Present

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:27 PM PST

    Unpopular Opinion: You should be able to forfeit without getting DNF

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:50 AM PST

    I'll openly admit that I'm not good at Fifa 21, I get elite one in Squad Battles but I'm Division 6 in Rivals and Gold 3 is the best I've managed in FUT champs.

    Let me start by saying that I've never once rage quit on this game, I've played every match to the end. But the game is unnecessarily taking up more time out of my weekend than it has to.

    When I'm coming up against teams using Neymar, Mbappe, Ronaldo as well as icons, and they're beating 6-0 or better at half time. Why can't I just respectfully accept that they are better than me and forfeit to them, saving us both time.

    This is made worse my unsporting players who sit and make you watch every longwinded celebration they make after each goal they score.

    submitted by /u/BatmanBiggins
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    SENSATIONAL SIRIGU !!! (Sorry 4 poor quality)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:32 PM PST

    Just Van Dijk, Neymar and Mané casually chilling on the pitch

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:10 PM PST

    Who has been your card of the game so far?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:42 AM PST

    I'm just interested to see peoples opinions

    submitted by /u/TFFW
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    I'd love some flashbacks like this one for top players, its not exact in terms of stats but the idea is there.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:36 PM PST

    Mario Mandzukic to AC Milan, tomorrow in Milan!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:01 AM PST

    Reason why i keep messages on.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:33 PM PST

    Just the standard WL nonsense.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:22 PM PST

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